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Reppublika offers single-source data management and audience activation. It provides ready to use user-centric data such as media usage and audience data per market and will let you integrate with your in-house user data for direct activation. Through a variety of dashboard-based tools you can plan, measure and optimize your campaigns in real-time. 


Get in touch:  [email protected] or  +43-1-228 881080 


Reppublika Data Analytics & Technologies GmbH
Karlsgasse 7/Top 5, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Register Number FN 519177 x,  VAT Number ATU 74931069


Reppublika - Data Analytics & Technologies Germany GmbH 
Seumestraße 2, 10245 Berlin, Germany

Register Number Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 207191 B, UST DE324901496



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